The Revd Kate Daymond
Announcement for 17th October 2021
We are delighted to announce that the Bishop of Southwark, in consultation with the
representatives from St Peter’s, has appointed the Revd Kate Daymond as Associate Vicar of St Peter’s Church Petersham in the Deanery of Richmond and Barnes, subject to the usual legal formalities. Kate is currently a priest in the diocese of St Albans having served as Interim Priest at St Leonard’s Sandridge following a curacy at St Helen’s Church, Wheathampstead.
Kate sends us this greeting
Born in Ealing, I began my nursing career at University College London, specialising in Health Visiting and Children’s sleep Consultancy. The need for spiritual, as well as physical wellbeing prompted my call to training at St Mellitus London and ordination to priesthood at St Albans Abbey in 2017. I have served in Wheathampstead and Sandridge in St Albans. I am looking forward to following God’s call to join you in Petersham. I am blessed to have two adult children. My husband, Nick, and I look forward to meeting you and revisiting Brentford FC.
It is anticipated that Kate and Nick will move to Petersham in December that she will be instituted by the Bishop of Southwark at St Peter’s in January.
It is hoped that at that same service in January, the Revd Simon Coupland will be licensed as Priest in Charge of St Peter’s. This is a light touch arrangement which enables Kate’s appointment. It has been fully discussed with, and has the support of, the PCC of St Peter’s. Kate will, to all intents and purposes, be the parish priest of St Peter’s.
It is anticipated that this arrangement will also help to continue to strengthen the good links and partnership between St Richard’s and St Peter’s, and indeed with St Andrew’s and all the Ham churches.